



点燃 & 装备军团

赢得你的 基督教形成文学硕士 在北公园神学院学习四年. Now open to Covenanters of any location, you can study through the Equip cohort (hosted by the 中西部地区会议)或点燃群组(由 太平洋西南会议). 这些合作的, cohort-based pathways enable staff pastors and lay leaders serving at local Covenant churches to complete an affordable seminary degree with a consistent community of learners and develop friendships to sustain lifelong ministry.


Students take three to seven credit hours of online coursework each fall, 春天, 夏季学期. In the fall (late August to mid-December) and 春天 (mid-January to mid-May) semesters, students 几乎每周一晚上见面.5个小时. One week of in-person time is required each fall 夏季学期. First-year students also have a week of in-person classes at the Covenant’s 仲冬会议 在春季学期. 

需求 & 结果



  • Gain biblical, theological, and practical foundations for ministry
  • Learn from scholars with academic expertise and pastoral vision
  • Meets educational requirement to seek Ordination to Word and Service in the 福音圣约教会
  • Combine the benefits of an embodied learning community with the flexibility of online delivery
  • Gain exposure to the broader Covenant denomination, building relationships with conference leaders


每年秋季和春季学期, students complete a three-credit course that meets virtually each Monday evening for 1.5个小时,晚上7点到8点半.m. 中央标准时间.

每年秋天,在他们的项目中,Equip的学生在 卡罗尔·乔伊·霍林营地和静修中心 in Ashland, Nebraska, for a week of in-person classes and cohort connection. 点燃的学生也这样做 米申斯普林斯营地和会议中心 在加州的斯科特谷. 离阿什兰最近的机场是内布拉斯加州的奥马哈(40分钟)。. The nearest airport to Mission Springs is San Jose, California (40 min). San Francisco and Oakland airports may also be cost-effective options for students traveling in from out of state.

In the first year of their program, 点燃 and Equip students attend the 契约仲冬会议 教会牧师须知. This January event occurs over a week and is an opportunity to engage with the wider ECC pastoral community and the Covenant’s missional ethos. Midwinter’s location alternates between 芝加哥 and other cities each year. Courses take place in hotel event space; students can attend conference events outside of class time.

在他们的项目每年夏天的一个星期, 点燃 and Equip students come together and stay at NPTS’s campus in 芝加哥 for in-person classes, 队列连接, 和其他项目的学生交流.



  • 2024年9月16日至20日: 点燃 Fall intensive course and cohort connection at Mission Springs
  • 2025年1月20日至24日:在科罗拉多州丹佛市举行冬至会议
  • June 2–7, 2025: Summer intensive course and cohort connection at NPTS’s 芝加哥, IL campus 

“It has been such a gift to walk through the Equip program with a cohort. We support each other, sharpen and learn from one another, and help each other through our classes. 我不想以其他任何方式获得学位.” – Laurie Larson, worship pastor at Clay Center Covenant Church

合作伙伴 & 资金

Equip and 点燃 are collaborative partnerships between NPTS and the Midwest and 太平洋西南会议s. Cohort students receive a 50% North Park tuition discount and subsidized fall housing costs through the conference and Covenant denomination.

This unique funding model significantly reduces tuition and is possible due to the friendships and partnerships within the Covenant.


1. 表明你的兴趣, NPTS和会议工作人员将保持联系.
2. Talk with your church leadership and conference staff about their willingness to provide financial sponsorship.
3. 应用.
4. Submit all supplemental items by June 1 to complete your application.
5. 将完成的合同交回会议办公室.
6. If accepted, confirm your enrollment through the process outlined in your admissions letter.

了解更多关于我们的招生过程 在这里. 有关教会赞助的更多资料,请 prospective 点燃 students and congregations should contact the 太平洋西南会议办公室; prospective Equip students and congregations should contact the 中西部会议办公室.